Every Fairy Tale Is Beautiful....But Ours Is My Favorite!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Hunter Wayne Beckstead

Yay! My blog has been broke for awhile and lucky for me my neighbor knew how to fix it! So now my blog is going to get a major update! We have so much to talk about and catch up on!!!


August 25th was when my little bundle of joy was born!
I was suppose to be induced on Sunday the 26th but Hunter I guess didn't want to share his birthday with my Grandma Hansen so he decided to come on Saturday.

That morning at 2 am I started having contractions they were far apart and just felt like a little tummy ache. Wes went ahead and went off to school but then at 9 he came home to be with me and we decided to go on a walk around the block. Little did I know that that speeds up contractions and makes them worse. So we timed them and they were 5 min apart so off we went to the hospital.
They took me in and hooked me up and by that time my contractions got lighter and farther apart....oops! So they sent me home and told me to lay down and then if they were every 3-5 min apart then to come in! We went over to my parents house and I just laid on the floor with pillows around me wishing that they would of kept me! CONTRACTIONS HURT! YIKES!!! My Mom gave me a foot massage and that helped and felt really good on my swollen/itchy feet. THANK YOU MOM! We started timing my contractions again and they were every 3 min on the dot and would last for 1 min. They hurt so bad my body started shaking so my Dad said "You are going to the hospital, and make them keep you!" So off Wes and I went back to Jordan Valley and I'm sure they were thrilled to see me again! :) This time it was around 5:30 they hooked me up to the monitors and began watching my contractions. I was dilated to a large 4 and they came in and said "Ok, you are staying and having a baby!" 

THANK YOU!!! (I honestly don't know how ladies go naturally!) as soon as they said I could stay they got the anesthesiologist and began hooking up my IV (that was the worst part) then it was time to get my epidural I was so nervous but figured anything would be better than contractions so BRING IT ON! Wes had to leave the room with the nurse because he got woosy! 

EPIDURAL= ANSWER TO MY PRAYERS! It was no big deal and I didn't even feel it go in! 
I was in HEAVEN! 


*When Wes left the room while I was getting my epidural, he called my Mom and told her to come over. So she and Wes were there to keep me company*
Just after 11 pm they told me it was time to start pushing. 
So I PUSHED and apparently I was pretty darn good at it! (I guess I finally found a talent! LOL) 
At 11:34 Hunter Wayne Beckstead was born! My little boy was finally here and healthy! 

He weighed 8 pounds 2 ounces, 20 inches long, and his head was 35 cm



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